Jessica got a lottery number at Sundance this year & invited me along to The Great Buck Howard on Friday night. It was the film's premiere so Tom Hanks (producer & cameo actor) was on site to introduce the film. Everyone got out their cameras. We didn't have one, so my I used the camera phone. While we had great seats for watching the movie, our seats weren't so great for photos from a phone - Tom looks like a ghost! Tom's son is the star of the movie (with John Malkovich who also showed up). It was a funny movie & worth watching when it comes out.
Nick & I had our first date "night" today at the movies. He likes to see documentaries, but I picked more of a docu-drama this year:

We saw A Complete History of My Sexual Failures. Very funny docudrama (parts of it seemed a little too convenient to be actual documentary footage). The director/star held a Q&A after the film which was fabulous. He really filmed some humiliating scenes for the movie. We don't get to see many movies in the theater & we were happy with this one.
Jessica had a friend in town & did a few movies up in Park City. She saw several celebs including Woody Harrelson, one of the Olson twins & a few other people. She gave thumbs up for:
Sunshine Cleaning (the people around us were also raving about this film)

What Just Happened (though she said this one seemed to be one that had a lot of Hollywood insider commentary).
We sat near several people who were comparing notes from other movies. Everyone LOVED Up the Yangtze.

The film will be distributed, so we will definitely watch for it.
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