We decided to hike to Timpanogos Cave this weekend with my Dad. It was a last minute decision. After Nick announced that it was going to be cold, we all bundled up in numerous layers. When we arrived, I noticed that Nick was the only one dressed without layers. Needless to say, the rest of us were all VERY warm. It was not that cold. Especially once we started walking. Unfortunately, my camera card started acting up about half way up the mountain so I couldn't take many photos.

The fall colors were just starting to show through. We saw several color coordinated families heading out for their holiday card photos.

Nick rolled his eyes when I packed the backpacks for the twins, but at a 1.5 miles & 1200 feet elevation gain, they lasted about 3 minutes before they wanted in the backpacks. Of course, then Greta complained that she wanted out the rest of the way up. The trail is paved, but with no guardrails - the drop off is steep! With Ella walking (and me carrying 30 pounds of Greta), it took about 1.5 hours to get to the cave entrance. But, our little rock head (Ella) was THRILLED. She was in absolute heaven seeing the stalagmites, stalactites and helicitites. She asked several thoughtful questions of Ranger Josh.

You can take a virtual tour HERE. Another highlight of our trek was that Ella didn't complain that much - until the trip down when she was tired. But, overall, we were very impressed. Even Greta (who wasn't walking) was complaining about how tired her legs were. Charlie fell asleep on the way down. I was carrying him & suddenly felt his head bonk against mine. We could all feel the walk the next day - even Ella! I think she has a field trip to the cave in the spring, so hopefully I'll be able to tag along again.
I just did that hike with my kids last weekend too!
Hey, Charlie! It looks like you are taking a big bite of Dad's jacket! Doesn't anyone give you real food? Ha, Ha just a joke! Catch you later, Dude! Love ya, Granny Jill
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