Monday, November 02, 2009

Merry Belated

Two of my favorites celebrated birthdays recently. We celebrated Nick's birthday with BLT's with heirloom tomatoes and avocado.
Heirloom BLTA

The dinner was topped off with a fabulous chocolate cake.
There are so many things wrong with this photo, but I love all their expressions.
Birthday Glow

Then, Charlie cooperated for a photo with the birthday boy.
Nice Smile Mr. C

A few days later, we took Nick out for BBQ at at new (to us) place. Greta was pretty excited about that. Nick gave it a two thumbs up.

After celebrating in Seattle, Jessi & Kevin came by for an off the roof party. You can see her dinner here.
Make a Wish!

The mini-cupcakes were a huge hit.
Here's to an extra exciting Tuesday!

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