Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Weekend Retreat

Over MLK weekend, we packed up the car & headed to Pagosa Springs, Colorado with Nick's friend from work.

Santa Fe

The town was so cute! But, no time for shopping - this was an outdoor weekend.
Ski Town

The trip was JUST what the doctor ordered. The winter blues had set in & I needed to see the pretty white snow against the gorgeous blue skies.

Early Morning
Skiing was the primary focus of the weekend with the twins & Jonas taking their first magic carpet ride.
Stoic Magic Carpet
The kids all adapted quickly!
Magic Carpet
Joy, Zach & I stayed close to the ski lessons.
Greta liked to wave to me a lot. 
Hi Mom!

Jonas picked up stopping really quickly.
J working hard

Charlie worked really hard too (the kids always mimic the instructors' arms!).
Arms doing what the feet should be doing
 And, his feet finally caught up!
Pizza Wedge
There she goes!
Learning to Stop
On day 1, Ella was in a lesson too, but after the first lift ride, she was out of my line of sight all morning.
MG up the lift
The boys caught up with us at lunchtime & saw the end of the lesson.
Watching the Progress
We had some uber-hungry kids. Thank goodness for cell phone games!
Lunch Break
After lunch, the kids did one lift ride & bunny hill run with Nick & we called it a day.
End of a full day (and its only lunch)
Just in time!

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