Friday, February 24, 2012

Swing Time

Nick was very excited to find a batting cage with a slow pitch machine.
With t-ball & softball around the corner, he's been trying to get the kids out to practice.
Charlie loves it & is ready to go anytime.
He's got pretty good hand-eye coordination for a 5 year old.
Miss Greta did an impressive job on her first time out. She's working on getting the timing of her swing perfected.
There is a video of her first hit. Unfortunately, the cheers were cut short since the ball also hit her finger. We knew she was really hurt when the crying stopped & she just sat looking like she was in pain. Nick was concerned it was broken or that the inflamed nail bed might need to be drained so he took her to insta-care.
I think the extra attention & TLC was just what the doctor ordered. Nothing was broken, we don't think she'll lose the nail & she got a super cool bandage that she wore for the night. Greta only wanted to play t-ball for the snacks so after this catastrophe she was ready to hang up her career, but Charlie convinced her that the ball stays still in T-ball and she should still play.

Last weekend, Nick took Ella & Charlie to the cages. He invited Greta, but she decided she would rather go read to the dogs at the library (her new favorite Saturday activity).

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