Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Welcome to the End of the World

I think I enjoy planning a vacation almost as much as taking one. But, this particular trip was really hard to plan. Americans apparently don't travel to the Algarve that often - there were only two towns that were consistently recommended - Lagos and Sagres. I couldn't find a good guide book that provided much detail about what to do in the area. In hindsight, I think we could have simply picked any town & just explored the restaurants and beaches. 
Sagres and Cape St. Vincent was thought to be the end of the world. 
The views from the top of the cliffs are breathtaking.
The town is also the site to the oldest navigational school. Henry the Navigator spent time in the area charting the Portuguese adventures. The location of the school itself is unknown. But, there is a large fortress that offers glimpses of the sea and cliffs. 
We explored the fortress for about an hour.
It is hard to imagine anyone living here hundreds of years ago. It still seems desolate, windy and void of fresh water.
This was probably the most historic place that we visited on the trip and for that reason alone, we were glad we made the drive.
The area around the lighthouse was filled with vendors selling souvenirs. Cecilia picked up a lovely wool shawl.  
The boys enjoyed a mid-morning nosh on the last bratwurst before America. The guide books said there were some absolutely stunning beaches in the area. I don't remember what other plans we had this day, but we didn't visit any. Next time.

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