Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Hong Kong, Day 2 - Kowloon Island

Hong Kong is a series of islands. I was staying on Hong Kong Island and my first day's activities were all on Hong Kong Island. Day 2, I ventured to Kowloon. I took a taxi because it would have taken me numerous line changes on the subway.
I got dropped off at Wong Tai Sin Temple. It's smack in the middle of the city. 

If there were signs in English, I missed them. I thought lighting of incense was like lighting a candle for Catholics. I've learned that people are practicing kau cim - after lighting the incense you kneel and "make a wish" (I don't know if this is like a prayer or just a wish). Then, you shake container of fortune sticks. One will fall out & you exchange if for a piece of paper with a fortune. I missed all of this tradition being alone with a not very informative guide book.

After a visit to the temple, I took a walking tour. First stop was the Bird Market.

The alley ends on what looks like a flower market.
After the Flower Market, I walked toward the Ladies Market, Goldfish Market & Jade Market. I didn't buy anything in the Jade Market or take any photos because of all the NO PHOTO signs! I don't think I found the Ladies Market or Goldfish Market. But, I had a lot of fun wandering the streets. It is easy to feel safe & welcome in Hong Kong.
I think this is sugar cane. I believe they juice it, but I never tried it (I should have, but it sounds kind of terrible).
At at point, my feet got very tired so I hired a taxi to take me to the water's edge.
It was still pretty foggy/overcast.
I took the Star Ferry back to Hong Kong Island.
The rest of the day was spent getting wet in the torrential rains, meeting with colleagues & going to work receptions. 

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