The twins rang in the New Year as experienced 4 month-olds. Our New Year's celebration was impressive in that Nick & I actually made it until midnight. The late night feedings over the last few months have really helped us get into fine late-night party shape. Our festivities were limited to sharing a bottle of champagne with the family, but you really can't beat good champagne & good company (even if the bottle was opened at 8 p.m). Apparently, the twins hit the egg nog a little heavy this holiday season as they have both put on an impressive 4 pounds since Halloween (and at least 3 inches). While they are both officially 24 inches and 13 pounds, we think Charlie is taller & heavier (at least 25 inches and 14.5 pounds). Either way, they are no longer at the bottom of the growth chart. Greta continues to squawk like a baby bird while Charlie prefers to coo like a pigeon. Charlie is rolling tummy to back and Greta is putting everything in her mouth. Ella is trying to be more independent every day which can be tough on Mom & Dad. She is really looking forward to her cousin Nicole's visit next weekend. I asked her what she wanted to do when Nicole was in town and the only idea she could come up with is that she would like to show Nicole her new Christmas presents.

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