Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hello Horsie!

I was happy that I took the kids out for pictures this weekend. The cold wet fall weather arrived today. I was soaked by the time I got to work. But, we need to get them back to Indiana a bit more frequently. We spent a lot of time talking to these "horses."
Nick has MSNBC streaming in the kitchen & Ella is predicting an Obama victory. I'm trying to remember the first presidential election in my memories. I'm not sure if I remember Jimmy Carter's election or not. I think I do. I liked Ford and remembering worrying about him when my Mom told me he wasn't going to be President anymore. What would he do for a job?
The kids got to vote twice today. I took everyone with me this morning & then Nick took them this afternoon. They really got caught up in the excitement! My friend Kari said she was talking to her son Noah about the election and told him that we were electing a new president today.
He said "I know one of them is Barack Obama, and what's the other guy's name? Oh yeah, John McCain. Ella voted for Barack Obama and told her dad to too. Her mom voted for the other guy." I wouldn't be surprised if Ella told the entire class this story. Not a very accurate representation of the day, but funny nonetheless.

1 comment:

marta said...

congrats, you've won my giveaway! check my blog for details. best to you and your darling children!