Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Change O' Season

Someone was very excited for a snow day. I was surprised at how much snow we still had at the end of the day. I'm hoping it warms up for the weekend - not ready for winter quite yet! In fact, Jessica had to buy the kids temporary coats over the weekend because all the winter clothes were in storage.
It's been a whirlwind the last week or so. The movers are coming 11-8. We will move into an apartment for (hopefully) two weeks. We are keeping our fingers crossed that our choice of permanent housing will work for a December 1st move-in. Our house in Salt Lake is passed the inspection process with the buyers. My to-do list seems to get longer by the minute.
Nick is working on administrative things (loans, inspections, Ella's school registration, etc) in NM while I work away at getting the house organized here for the move (selling more furniture, moving offices at work, figuring out what we will need for two weeks, figuring out what the movers can take & what we need to move ourselves, etc.). 
Nick will come home the weekend of the 5th when we will empty the storage space we rented when we put the house on the market. He will be able to check 2 suitcases, so we are trying to figure out what makes the most sense for him to take. I have a feeling that no matter what we do, my minivan will be packed to the max during the move!

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