I was thrilled that Greta took 3 steps toward me on Saturday. Yesterday, I found the shoes that Ella wore when she was learning how to walk & I put them on Greta. The twins haven't worn shoes or socks much since it's so warm. Neither Greta nor Charlie knew what to think of them (top photo). They fell off Greta & didn't encourage her to walk. I put them on Charlie later & he wiggled his feet to get them off as fast as he could. Today, Greta took several steps for Nick. You can see her marathon strides HERE.
The twins are starting to interact more. In the morning, after diaper #1 gets changed, that baby goes to the floor & crawls over to the other crib. The twins laugh & try to touch hands. Every so often, they will play "together," but usually, the peaceful time quickly passes and they start to fight over a toy.
It's fun to see them starting to understand us more. Hogan decided he wanted to stay outside & curled up on our front porch. We were playing in the front room & Charlie went to the window. I could see that he saw Hogan outside. He moved away from the window & started to play. I asked him where Hogan was & Charlie went back to the window & looked outside. Since Charlie refuses to sign, it was great to know that he is actually understanding what we say! Greta is the same way - although it sounds like she is trying to verbalize words. I think she'll have her first real word within the next month.
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